Human Rights

Our lawyers advise clients on compliance with human rights laws, according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.

In many countries, legislation has been enacted, so it can improve corporate reporting on human rights issues and introducing mandatory human rights due diligence. Particularly, corporates are under scrutiny from regulators, investors and shareholders and customers, to demonstrate respect for human rights, and we are able to help navigate the intricacies of necessary processes and reporting mechanisms to ensure human rights impact risks are identified and mitigated.

Business and human rights regulatory compliance and litigation risks are becoming core concerns for many businesses wherever they operate. Our team helps clients navigate increasingly complex and sometimes competing legal requirements in this area.

One of the few specialist business and human rights practices in the world, our team supports clients throughout all stages of their businesses. We work hard with our clients as partners to understand your business objectives and needs.

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